Automatic sliding doors enable the smooth and safe passage of people and goods day and night. For this reason, the right entrance solution can – and should – be a lifeline for any business or facility, keeping visitors and employees safe at all times.
Exceptional work that is customized to your needs
We provide a wide range of frames, door panels, and glass options to meet the particular needs of your business, whether you’re looking for a slick, elegant solution or something more robust – that can safely withstand a high flow of people. we have three variety of sensor doors namely: Automatic sliding door, Automatic swing door, Automatic hinge door. the automatic door opener is made with a 24V DC motor that can open and close sensor door of various size and weight up 250kg. it is intended for everyday use, a number of safety features are included with it, such as the manual release function, which allow manual operation in the event of the power outage. additionally, a sensor that detects motion allows the door to open, close, or stop and reverse the motion if there is obstruction.